Trixie's mischievous adventure

I did what???
Yes, she did it. Trixie decided today to do a little "hiking" and follow her nose to wherever it would lead her. She ended up in a neighbor's house (inside of it!), several doors down, apparently because somebody was cooking something that her nose simply couldn't resist. In the mean time, mommy was getting crazy, pappy had to return on his car from where he was heading to and everything was on a standstill: where in the world was this dog? It was the very first time that she had disappeared, thus the mayhem. I even went to my archives to retrieve Trixie's records to call the company that issued her microchip. And then, voila!!!!, my wife calls me on my cell to tell me that Trixie was safe, playing with the neighbors down the street. Ohhhh, but how that scared us! If she only had an idea. I guess lots and lots of people out there have similar stories to tell. It just gives you an idea how attached can one get to a pet. Wheeew, we love you Trixie . . . but don't do it again!!!!!!!!!!

Happiness is a warm blanket

Yep, it's that time of the year again. Summer is gone, temperatures have dropped in Central Florida (thank God!!!!) and Trixie my Beagle is again bundling up. No more naps on the cold floor, or near the bathroom or anywhere where she can feel a little bit cooler. Now she just hops into our bed and she herself, with nobody's assistance, makes herself comfortable under a blanket, making sure she's warm and cozy. Just look at this picture ----------------------->
What are you looking at?
But wait a minute: Beagles come from Britain, a very cold country, and they should be able to cope with low temperatures, right? Well, that doesn't seem to be the case with Trixie. I guess the weather in Central Florida can get so unbearable and nasty during Summer that when fall and winter arrive, the difference is simply way too much. I don't blame her. I prefer cold weather to hot weather a thousand-and-one times. With hot (and humid) temperatures you can't help it. You either fry like a sardine under the sun or you run to the AC. In cold weather, you can grab a sweater, have a hot chocolate or sit in front of the fireplace. Thank you, Mother Nature, for this break. And enjoy it, Trixie, while it lasts!